Obsessions: stock photography

I’m trying to just stick with the free stock photography place stock xchng. Here’s my profile: http://www.sxc.hu/profile/asraidevin

Which you cant’ really see anything at since I don’t really have pictures worth sharing. Light boxes appear to be private.

Anyway, a group I belong to ended up discussing, among other things, being addicted to covers and /or stockphotography. Some people even said they would find pictures they loved and try to write a story for the cover.

Not sure I could do that. Though I did find this picture: http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1094532 who made me think of Zack who may or may not be my new hero. I’m working out some kinks with Zack’s plot line. (Which reminds me, if you see me on Twitter ask me if I have been doing my morning pages).

Where was I? Got distracted by the pretty.

I just think up random words to search: passion, love, kiss, rain, hockey, paper. Whatever strikes my fancy. And then I save pictures to my lightbox and then later I look through them and wonder why I saved some of the things I did, then I delete them.

What pictures do you like? What words would you search?

<3 Asrai

ps. happy birthday to my high school crush. yes I remember things like that!


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