Row 80 First Wednesday Check-in

We are 2 days into Row80.

So far, I’ve played a lot of Dragon Ages: Origins. I love Alistair far more than I ever loved Anders. I haven’t loved a character anywhere in ages. Origins drives  me a bit batty, because I’m forever accidentally talking to Alistair, since I’m there anyway and my only option is to say Never mind or make out with him, our characters make out a lot.

“That’s what I’m here for. To deliver unpleasant news and witty one-liners.” -Alistair

Plus he is so pretty!

Writing goal: Edit 1 hour per day, 5 days a week. Got in 2 hours in 2 days. By the time I got my hour in, I had to write up a blog post and then go to bed. I need to get some blog posts scheduled up.

Guest posting: emailed one person, I have a list of several  more people I want to email about posts. I have my blog schedule in a spreadsheet, it’s only half filled out.

I haven’t gotten outside at all this week. I hate cold weather. I have exercised with EA Active, so we do get moving. And I started my meal plan for the next week. I think I’ll post my plan on Sundays instead of a Row goal post.

My husband got me a Nextbook Tablet computer for Christmas, so I can read ebooks from the library again. It also can do Kobo and Kindle, so I can read all the indie kindle books I’ve taken note of. I think we’ll watch Twilight tomorrow or Thursday, my daughter thinks it’s hilarious when I make fun of it. My 50/50 challenge list will be posted on that page.

3 thoughts on “Row 80 First Wednesday Check-in

  1. Asrai, you also use a spreadsheet. Great minds think alike :-)
    I was playing the firsr Dragon Ages last year. but now I’m waiting for Skyrim (waiting for the price to drop, that is).
    You’re doing great on your goals, congrats!

    • @Fabio .Someone in WANA1011 introduced me to DA:O. Skyrim looks pretty interesting as well, but yeah, gotta wait for the price to drop. In the mean time we got Just Dance Kids 2

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